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Four Reasons Why Your Personal Injury Law Firm Needs Social Media Marketing

Reaching a large audience is one of the main goals of any marketing team. Legal marketing teams are no different. In order for business reach to spread quickly, it’s important to implement and maintain an active social media presence through multiple channels. With most adults using some form of social media, it’s increasingly important to implement social media marketing into overall marketing goals. With the potential to create more lead and customers, social media is no longer options. How can social media benefit your business?

Wider Reach

Social media makes it easier to reach larger populations. It also provides you with the ideal opportunity to cater to specific audiences. With different audiences using different platforms, it’s essential to find the ones that work best for your firm and create a plan for high-quality postings.

For example, while some firms might be interested in using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest, other firms might only have the time for LinkedIn and Facebook. The key is to get started and begin building out various social media platforms now, so that benefits can be reaped later on. By using a social media scheduling platform such as Sprout Social or Hootsuite, you can begin scheduling social media updates across multiple channels in advance, saving you both time and resources.

SEO Boost

Search engines know which sites are earning traffic and which are simply coasting along. In order for attorney advertising to make a difference and affect overall social media strategy, it’s important to implement SEO strategy into content creation. Driving traffic to optimized pages and content causes pages to rise faster in search engine results pages as well.


Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for reaching large swaths of people. Posting regularly on multiple social media channels is one of the best ways to further establish both the brand and company and to engage with the desired audience. By responding to comments, following similar companies and industry leaders, and engaging readers in more discussions both on and offline, companies can be seen as truly engaged and see number of followers grow immensely.

Brand Loyalty

Brands with active social media profiles have more loyal customers. In order for a brand to truly succeed, regularly posting on social and connecting with an audience are necessary and vital. When companies engage and interact on social media, they are seen less as a large, overbearing corporation and more as a unified group of people with a true vision to help and connect.

Postings don’t simply need to revolve around created content. Due to resources and time constraints, it can be difficult to create high quality content to coincide with social media posts on a regular schedule. In order to still be seen as a thought leader and provide your audience with quality content, it helps to use curated content from other trusted sources. Is your law firm part of a particular organization? Do you have access to monthly newsletters or emails that provide great content specific to the law industry? By using curated content and providing credit to the original writer, you can routinely post quality content without creating it all yourself.

Social media is vital to any business success. By having a plan for both created and curated content and posting regularly, brands can better connect with consumers over time and see a direct increase in both quality leads and regular customers.

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