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Four Types of Keywords Your Pay-Per-Click Agency Should Target for your Personal Injury Law Firm

When it comes to keywords within an SEO strategy, quality consistently outranks quantity. By developing the right keywords early on and routinely updating and searching for better strategies, overall PPC campaigns can greatly improve and increase traffic to the company website.

In order for PPC campaigns to grow, it’s essential to dedicate time to keyword research and continual maintenance. Effective keyword research is an ever-important skill in the world of SEO professionals, both for SEO purposes and overall topics to be used for content creation. When in the beginning stages of keyword research, it’s important to ensure that different keywords are used for different levels of both interest and intent.

What Keywords Should You Pursue First?

Brand Terms

Customers and others who are familiar with both your company and industry are the easiest to truly convert. Keywords that focus on brand terms often result in the best conversion rate, though they might not lead to the highest page views of impressions. However, since conversions is the main goal it’s important to focus on quality brand words within keyword research.

Service Terms

As a law firm, targeting service terms for keywords entails the various services that the law firm provides. Depending on how many services are provided, this list could result in several prime keywords. People searching for these terms usually result in a higher CPA (cost per action), simply because the terms are more generic. Within keyword research, it’s vital to include both brand and service terms for a well-rounded approach.

Competitor Terms

While it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a reasonable cost-per-click on competitor terms, it can be helpful to determine what keywords your competitors are pursuing and see if it makes sense to create content focused around that.

Audience Terms

These keywords include all other items that your target audience might be searching for. For example, instead of simply pursuing “law firm”, people might instead be searching for “law firm near me” or “law firm personal injury.” It’s essential to pursue as many keywords as possible directly relating to both services and company information. In order for this to be effective, it often helps to go directly to a search engine and begin typing in terms that a typical customer might use, especially if they don’t know a great deal about specific law firm specialties.

Throughout all phases of content creation, it’s important to focus on quality keywords, especially for attorney ads and any pay per click ads. Quality keywords can make or break an ad campaign, which is why it’s so important to routinely review and update subpar key words that aren’t performing well.

As a PPC agency, raising the quality of SEO and overall page rank for your client is what truly matters. Since not all keywords are created equal, it’s essential to conduct proper keyword research throughout the digital marketing campaign to ensure that keywords are performing optimally or are revised as necessary. Proper keyword research and implementation can go a long way to increasing overall site traffic and spreading brand awareness. As a PPC agency, high quality keyword research is key to overall success.

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